Sid:  My guests are Jordan and Michelle Cooke. I’m speaking to them at their home at University Place, Washington which is just outside of Tacoma Washington. All this week we’ve been talking about the wonderful, marvelous gift that God has given your daughter Michelle.  That the gift that God has given Jordan is He tells her how to paint, she uses unconventional methods like the toothbrush, she started at age two, but some of the paintings like the one that I’m looking at right now called “Jeff” it’s such an amazing painting it’s hard to believe someone that young, she’s eight now and she was six when she did that painting would be able to do this with these unconventional methods.  But one of the things that I Iove about her painting is not only does she only paint when God tells her what to do and God tells her how to do it.  But they’re prophetic paintings. Like the one that we’re making available this week called worship and it’s prophetic, it’s got your healing in the anointing on it.  But tell me about this painting called “Jeff.”

Michelle:  Jeff is a wonderful man that works at our post office.  We’re in there quite a bit because we sell business products and we have packages.  And Jeff and Jordan became friends when she was quite young and so by the time that she was six he said to her when are you going to paint me one?  And she said, “Well, I have to ask God about that.”  So she came home and started praying if God had something for Jeff.  And she painted, and he gave her a picture of himself on a motorcycle so she had something to go off of.  Within a week she came back with this image that people can’t see on the radio, but I’ll just describe it, it’s him riding on the water on this motorcycle.  This is very unique in that it is foretelling not just prophetic as in conveying a spiritual concept, Jordan painted this before Jeff had gotten into a horrible motorcycle accident on the track.  He races for Christ, he’s the chaplain, and Jordan put a red vest on him instead of a yellow vest which he traditionally wears and explained to him that this is the blood of Jesus that covers you, you are protected and safe.  And she put a gold helmet on him instead of black and she said, “This is how God’s going to move you up, you’re getting a promotion,” she said.  And she said, “The back of your motorcycle I painted sort of almost invisible because you’re going to do spiritual things that you haven’t done before, you are going to be a man who rides on water and that’s my prayer for you” she said.  And he just stared at me for a minute and he said, “You know I man up for a promotion, and I just had an intercessor pray over me with the blood of Jesus on my vest.”  And he said, “I’ve got a couple of races coming up, I will let you know.”  Well, after his big race we indeed got a phone call and apparently Jeff was racing when one of the riders in front of him spun out of control and Jeff couldn’t stop, swerved around him and hit a wall going ninety plus miles an hour.  These bikes go incredibly fast.

Sid:  Well, I would have to, I’m not into racing but I would have to believe that he should have been a dead man.

Michelle:  These are the high class racing motorcycles and yes, everybody just held their breath and he got up and he walked away from that.  That entire bike was mangled, and the several unsaved people on his team knowing that he was a reverend, a chaplain, and had prayer, and he had shown them these pictures.  They had all witnessed the whole thing about a six year old and they knew the story and when they saw him walk out of the rubble, several of them fell on their knees and gave their lives to the Lord and just said, “This has been God.”

Sid:  Tell me about the second part of that prophecy that a promotion.

Michelle:  Yes, they made him a regional chaplain over the whole northwest region and that was a huge promotion for him.  And he said, “You know I just, knowing that she said that I’m a man that can ride on water, makes me feel so good because I think of Peter in the boat and how he walked.” And he said, “I’m not a walker, I ride.”  It meant something to him.

Sid:  Okay, Michelle I have to get Jordan’s spin on this, if you’ll put Jordan on the telephone.

Michelle:  Okay, here she is.

Jordan:  Hello.

Sid:  Hi Jordan, we’re talking about, and you heard your Mom speaking about it, of your painting of Jeff on the motorcycle.  Tell me about when you decided to paint this, did you decide when you were talking with him, that the Lord show you to do it, was it when you were praying?

Jordan:  Well, he told me that he was going to do a race and I was to make him a painting.

Sid:  Now, why did you put protection around him like the red jacket since he normally doesn’t even where a red jacket?

Jordan:  Well, I wanted to put the blood of Jesus on him, because the blood of Jesus keeps us safe.

Sid:  And what did you think when you found out that he was in this horrible accident, he should have died but he walked away from it.  What did you think about that?

Jordan:  I thought that was one of the ton of cool miracles God does, and I thought this one was extra cool.

Sid:  Ha-ha, and how about the promotion he had in his job?

Jordan:  That was also neat too.

Sid:    Well, I have another couple paintings here that seem pretty interesting to me.  I have heard of the prophet who plays the piano, the fellow with the long hair Kim Clement.

Jordan:  Yes.

Sid:  A few years before you met Kim God told you to paint a painting for him, tell me about that I have it in my hands.

Jordan:  Well, what happened is… Did Mom tell you the story about that yet?

Sid:  Not yet.

Jordan:  Any way what happened is God used his voice to cheer Mom on when she was sick.

Sid:  Oh, I didn’t know about that.

Jordan:  We were living at my grandma’s for awhile so anyway she heard him on TV and I wanted to make a painting for him, to kind of thank him in a way.

Sid:  Well, this is such a beautiful painting.  And there is some pretty interesting things about this.  I wonder if you’re put your mom on the phone because I want to ask her about this because this is such a prophetic painting.

Jordan:  Alright, here she is.

Michelle:  Hi Sid.

Sid:  Hi Michelle we’re talking about the painting of your daughter that was presented to Kim Clement, tell me a bit about this.

Michelle:  Well, you want a short version or the whole story

Sid:  I want the whole story.

Michelle:  The whole story! When I was sick one of the things that happened that was very supernatural was I would hear a man’s voice speaking life over me.  He would say, “You’re going to live, you’re going to make it, you’re going to do this, I prophesy over you right now.”   And it was so funny I thought, would say that that was the Lord accept that he had an accent.  It’s like Jesus doesn’t sound like a South African does he?  And I recognized this voice over and over, and one day I was at my mothers with Jordan, and I heard the voice on TV I can came running in the room and there’s Kim Clement sitting there at the piano or at the keyboard playing and I said, “That’s him, whoever this guy is he prays you know and I’ve heard it and I don’t understand it but it’s true.”  So we got an album of his, it’s a CD and Jordan began painting at age four to his music, he has some real soft beautiful worship music and she loved it and she started painting several pictures “Holy Spirit, Dove, God’s Self Portrait, she’s got one of a sprouting crown.  And one of the things that came out of it was she had a word or actually a dictate from God to paint Kim a picture.  At first I thought it was just her being grateful because she associated it with someone praying for her mom, but then I realized later that no God had something for Kim through Jordan.  Incidentally Kim has often said I only accept words from people I know or from children, interestingly enough.

Sid:  What was the prophetic word that she had for him?

Jordan:  Well, the word was that He wanted Jordan to paint a very special keyboard, and that it had to be a heavenly keyboard, and he wanted her to put pools of water with glistening light in them, you know the keys had to be white pearl. I mean I never seen Jordan spend so much time mixing colors and getting it just right.  She just have painted this thing eight times, at least. And he told her that it was a keyboard of nine.

Sid:  What does that mean?

Michelle:  None of us knew what that meant but Kim told us, Kim told us when we gave it to him that there is such thing as a ninth note, typically there is a scale of eight and Jordan said, “That makes sense because God said that He was giving you an extra note, a note from heaven, and that He was going to live in that sound, it’s a different sound and that He wanted to do healings and miracles in a new way and that Kim said that He’d been praying for that and had visions of that since a little boy that he had always seen notes that did exist. He asked God “Can you give me that sound.”  So there actually were two paintings, one in this open heaven over some keyboards and then the second one is the same open heaven with Jesus walking through.

Sid:  I’m looking at it and it’s you know it’s so hard for me to comprehend that at age six your daughter could paint something like this.  It’s not just talent it’s anointing…

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