Sid: My guest is red hot for the Messiah his name is Jim Goll. I’m speaking to him by way of telephone in office in Franklin, Tennessee. Jim doesn’t know some of my background with him as far as knowledge about him but I go back aways. One of my closest friends is a Messianic Jew by the name of Jonathan Bernis. Jonathan began telling me about Jim Goll and his prophetic gift, and I was very intrigued about Jim. And then in recent years I’ve been getting emails, please pray for Jim, and let’s see Jim do I pronounce your wife’s name Mikhael , or Michelle, or Michael, or which is it?
James: She’ll answer to about anything, but obviously we put the English twist is Michael, but the Hebrew would be Mikhal, David’s first wife in the Bible.
Sid: Alright, well talk about being confused. [Laughing]
James: [Laughing]
Sid: But any way I’ve been getting emails for years it feels like about you and your wife being attacked physically with cancer; but every time I turn around I see you two running out as strong as ever. How does someone so prophetic, someone so sold out to God have to fight so long with such an evil thing as cancer?
James: You know I was just talking to my wife just over Thanksgiving and I told her we’re going to come out with some awesome testimonies for the Lord. And probably one of these days we’re going to write something call endurance; [Laughing] how we were…
Sid: I have to believe that you would, and by the way I believe sickness is from the devil; I believe it should be fought with every fiber of our being, I believe there’s much healing in the atonement as there is forgiveness of sin and I believe we’re on the same page.
James: That’s absolutely right.
Sid: But I also believe and I know I might get in trouble with this, God uses everything for His Kingdom and His glory even what the devil is doing God turns around for good. And I don’t know where you and your wife would be today with God, but I believe that as a result of the battles you’ve been in for years you’re as close as two humans can be to the Lord.
James: Well thank you Sid; you know God gives grace for every circumstance and every situation. But you know I want to give really a positive testimony, I did just recently have another CT scan done and in it where I did have a 3 ½ inch by a 2 ½ inch growth behind my stomach, and right now it’s only an inch and half long by an inch wide. And so we’ve got miracle in the making. And healing is progressive and miracles are more like instantaneous, and so I do have good news to report.
Sid: I’m so pleased to hear that because I along with another of others have been praying for you, and I just recently saw your wife on television and she looks like she’s doing pretty good!
James: Well, she’s doing great in Jesus and see one of the keys that we know to life and to healing and the supernatural is being in the anointing. And my wife and I we will not back off. Now we know that there’s natural laws of life and things you have to watch and all of that, but my wife is one of the most resilient and tenuous people on the planet. And she knows that the key is staying in the presence and in the anointing of God so she has continued to do as much as she can in her public ministry, and things like that. And yeah she just recently has ministered at some gatherings and I as well and I just want to say, “God is good all the time; and I will also add that the devil is bad and Jesus Christ went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil.” That’s what we believe, that’s what we’re contending for and we will not settle for anything less.
Sid: Well, Jim I am going to believe that you and your wife will be around to welcome t he King here.
James: Absolutely.
Sid: And I’m going to believe that I’m going to be around to welcome the King.
James: I was going to say “Sid and you are going to be right there with us.”
Sid: I believe that. What is God showing you in reference to where we are timing wise with the return of the King? Again, I know the scripture and you know the scripture, “No one knows the day or hour,” but we do know the seasons; what season are we in?
James: You know that exactly right for those who are listening the scripture say “We don’t know the day or the hour,” but it doesn’t say that we can’t know the season. And obviously Sid you and I both being people who try to cultivate close to God’s heart and to God’s heart for Israel. Israel is our time piece, it is the time piece to the end times; it’s the time piece to the return the second coming of the Messiah, Jesus Yeshua. And so just as one of the time pieces issues of course is the number of Jewish people who have returned from Biblically the land of the north that have returned to living in Israel. And Sid you have been there and so have I and there is at least now 1.3 million Russian speaking Jews who Israel is now their homeland. That is an amazing fulfillment of ancient prophetic words. But not only that you know I am so convinced that we are moving into one of the greatest times of the glory of God. As it says, “The glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.” Well, we’re headed into one of the greatest miracle explosions and displays of the glory of God that planet earth has ever seen.
Sid: You know I interviewed Kathy Walters recently, and she’s one of these people that goes to heaven quite frequently, in the Spirit, and she said, “There’s so much angelic activity and there’s new angels that have been release on planet earth that we’ve never had so many angels that are released” and that alone tells me God’s up to something.
James: You know absolutely because see the activity level of the supernatural both in the demonic dark realm, and the supernatural in the heavenly true God realm is hugely on the increase. And that is one of the, again, signs to us because, again, the book of Joel and again Peter picked it up in the Book of Acts and other places that “In the last days God will pour out His Spirit on all flesh.” Well, one of the ways or the means is God uses heavenly messengers called angels. That’s absolutely true whether it’s Kathy Walters, or a Bob Jones, or John Paul Jackson, or myself, or many other prophetic voices today. I tell you the angelic and the supernatural is greatly on the increase.
Sid: Speaking on the angelic on the increase I’ve got a copy of one of your latest books it’s called “Angelic Encounters Engaging Help from Heaven.” And you talk about a particular visitation from an angel that had a great deal to do with Israel. As a matter of fact his name is Israel Awakening, but you said you weren’t able to go into the detail you wanted to on this particular angel, and it’s so strategic for where we are in history right now. Tell me a little bit about that visitation.
James: You know this happened just in December of 2006 and I was ministering on Long Island right outside of New York City where you know it’s the most Jewish populated really in the world. And anyway I was ministering in Long Island and I had a very difficult time getting there for this gathering and the Holy Spirit kept saying to me over and over and over, “The winds are coming, the winds are coming.” Well, it ended up in the natural I had to fly from Nashville to Baltimore, Baltimore to Long Island, and there was winds of 160 knot an hour so the winds truly came. It ended up I couldn’t make it directly to Long Island that day I was supposed to, all of the airports got shut down because of the wind storm in the natural. But see sometime I made it the next day but sometimes first it’s in the natural, then it’s in the spiritual. And in Hebrews chapter 1 verses 7:14 it says “That the angels are winds and are flames of fire.” So one of the ways that actually angelic activity can show is literal in the natural and the spiritual by winds, so the Holy Spirit kept saying to me “The winds are coming, the winds are coming.” Well, the winds came in the natural and then the wind came in the spiritual. And I was basically in worship, and while I was in worship there was a wind that blew across my being in the worship. Then it happened three or four times; and then I was brought into this visionary place in worship. And this angel came and appeared right in front of me; I wasn’t trying to see in the seer dimension of the prophetic it just happened that the atmosphere was charged with the electric manifested presence of God; some would call it the glory realm.
Sid: Jim let’s hold that though right now, and you used an interesting word; it’s an Old Testament word, seer anointing. I don’t know why but I love that word, I love the word seer better than prophet and I don’t even know what the difference is maybe you can explain it on another show. Why did you write your book, “Angelic Encounters?”
James: Oh my, I wrote this you know I’ve studied three times the three hundred scriptures in the Bible on angels; I’ve read over a hundred books on angels in church history and then we’ve had our own experiences. The reason we wrote this, my wife wrote a couple of the chapters also. We need to be enlightened in the day in which we live so as to be able to welcome and cooperate with heaven’s help on earth.
Sid: And I like the part of your book in which you dealt with, how to know the counterfeit from the authentic. Most people don’t know the counterfeit, and don’t even know the authentic and they’re missing what God’s trying to do in their life.
James: Absolutely and you see we got to be discerning in these days because see as we said earlier the supernatural is on the increase both on the dark and the light side. We’ve got to be educated, we need to be discerning and we need to cooperate with heaven’s messengers that He sends.
Tags: It's Supernatural, Sid Roth