Sid:  We want everyone everywhere to hear the good news, we want everyone everywhere to understand that their home is not planet earth; their home is in eternity with God.  And many of you live your life as if this is all there is. The good news is you can have intimacy with God in this life and then spend it forever with no end in intimacy with God.  Over the years I’ve interviewed many people that have died from a medical viewpoint, left their body gone to eternity; spent time in Heaven.  Some of the most graphic descriptions of Heaven and what goes on there.  Others that have experienced Hell, and there are two few people that Heaven is real to and Hell is real to. This week we are going to have excerpts of people that I have interviewed; the best ones over the years, the most graphic descriptions of people that have had this experience.  Since all of us are going to spend eternity in Heaven that’s all of us that have intimacy with God now. There is no other name in which we must be saved but the Name of Yeshua, that’s Hebrew for Jesus the name of Jesus.  If Jesus is your Messiah and Lord and you are born from above you have intimacy with God you will spend eternity with pure love God the Father, the best Father you’ll ever have.  I want you to hear excerpts from the best interview I’ve had on these subjects.  The next person I want you to hear is Earthquake Kelley.  Earthquake was trained to be the number one voodoo priest in Haiti under Papa Doc Duvalier. He knew the names of demons that he could send out to accomplish their deeds, their dirty deeds.  And one day he even cursed people as a child and they would fall over and die.  Well today after having an encounter with Jesus he now uses this information to come against the devil and his demons.  Let’s go to that interview with Earthquake Kelley.

Sid:  At fifteen you have lived, I mean you have lived life at fifteen the same voice you heard when you were just four years of age that showed you step by step how to get high, speaks to you again and it tells about getting super high; explain

Earthquake:  Right my brothers and I were getting high, and we were at this little party like thing. I heard this voice again, he said, “You know how everybody likes to brag about how much drugs they took right?” And I said, “Yeah,” and his voice was asking me that question and I said, “Sure.”  He said, “But you want people to respect you in the streets and to be a man.”  And I said, “Yeah.”  He said, “I’m going to show you how to get really, really, really high,” and I said, “Okay, show me yeah I want to be respected as a man who can hold his dope.”  And like a fool I listened and he said, “Take some cocaine,” okay which was no problem because we were dealers and we had plenty of cocaine around there.  And he said, “Take some other marijuana and some weed,” we did that the same thing we had plenty of weed around, and he said “Take some pills” which were the strongest pills Sid it’s so strong if you take one tablet cut it in half and cut that half in half you stay high eight days off of that half of the half.  And I took about two or three of them, he said, “Now drop all of it,” and so I did I dropped all of it. An overdose hit me.  All of sudden I looked around where I was I was sitting there in this place, we were having a little party in this bar type place and where I was it got pitched black and everybody else was light and I knew I was in trouble.  I was facing the window looking out this window and the sun’s light was coming in and the sun rays was hitting me on the head at first but the sunrays would come right to my forehead would turn to the left and go behind me, it wouldn’t even touch me.  And then all of a sudden out of the floor comes all these evil spirits, they grabbed me, they started tormenting me and I start screaming and yelling but nobody can hear me, the person serving the drinks in front of us he couldn’t hear me and I knew that I was going to the same place where the guys with the yellow light was in their face was was going.  Sure enough they pulled me out of my body Sid and down through the earth I went and they were tormenting me and tormenting in a way that I can’t even tell you all the things they were hitting me with.  And they would say “You are a fool, you listened to us and you did our voodoo and our black magic for us and you sold our dope and now you’re lost forever.  And while they was tormenting me down there in the pits of Hell, I mean Hell, Hell was real and the pits of Hell, hands of light Hallelujah came down to that horrible pit and grabbed me by my shoulders Sid and was pulling me out of the hands of those evil spirits. They were screaming, “He’s mine, he’s ours, he belongs to us.”  And I felt there nails and their teeth being loosened as the hands was pulling me back in my body, I sat up and a voice Sid, the same voice that had met me when I was thirteen at that altar it says, “Because of your mother’s prayers, hallelujah, you are chosen you were spared.”

Sid:  Our next guest Dr. Petty Wagner developed the first cold permanent wave in America has three doctor degrees, Fortune magazine called her the lady with the golden touch because of her vast fortune that she had accumulated.  Dr. Wagner was kidnapped and murdered through electrocution. I have a copy of her death certificate in my hands and she came back to testify against her own kidnappers.

 Dr. Petty:  The tenth day the electricity came on in the morning, they came running to get me and immediately took me back down and set me down in that electrocution chair, and put the electrodes on again and this time it was different Sid, this time it was out of the body and in presence with the Lord.

Sid:  The electricity worked is what you are saying.

Dr. Petty:  The electricity worked and I was up in Heaven and I looked just like I did in that picture that is in the book when I was 26 years old and praise the Lord it was just beautiful.  I was walking on streets of pure gold with my purple velvet robe on. Out of nowhere come to beautiful chairs.  We had fourteen hand craved rosewood chairs around out dining room table with just as many little cushions as it took for every one of us to get our little heads up even with the table in order to hear the wisdom of the world every day when my daddy held the fort.   And here was something that meant nothing, but pure love to me and I believe Sid that everybody is going to be ushered into Heaven with something that means pure love to them.  Because here are my chair and my daddy’s chair.  And I just walked over and sit down in it like I knew what I was doing and out of the atmosphere comes my Jesus.  I didn’t need an introduction, I tell you I knew who He was, He set down across from me and it a was like a million intravenous feedings of pure love going into every cell of my body.  I would go to converse with Him and in my mind it was just like we would communicate, I knew everything that was in this whole world to know.  We would go to communicate and I would before I could even get the thought out of my head He already was answering it and I was just absorbing it.  We could look down and see them take the electrodes off of my head, we saw the doctors come in and write no vital signs.  Six times in the six hours that I was legally dead we saw them write no vital signs, they came in every hour on the hour and took my pulse and took my vital signs and there was none.

Sid:  Hmm.

Dr. Petty:  Then they took the electrodes off, they were just sat laughing giggling, they thought they had done a really very good job.  But I was up there with Jesus, after six hours of this of our communicating and God just writing on the tablet of my heart every bit of the Bible just fusing it into my Spirit and into my heart.  The He said to me, Thou now, He’s speaking out loud, before we were communicating and we weren’t having to talk out loud. Now He said, “Would you like to stay up here and work or do you want to go back to earth?”  And I said just like my daddy always would take everyone of us, if we would take a project to him for approval and to be finished and to get our next one he would never say, “Look, that’s a lousy job, he would say “Take it back and wrap it up with red ribbons” and that would mean get it to perfection.  And here Jesus saying to me, “Do you want to stay up here or do you want to go back to earth?  And I said “Lord, my job is not done, I’ve got a lot of packages to wrap up in red ribbons yet before I’m finished on earth.”  And so He said, “Today you are the judge, not the jury, anytime your blueprint of life that your Heavenly Father has given to you is interrupted you have a choice. I believe t hat everyone of us have that blueprint Sid and I think we have a choice when it is interrupted because I must wrap up those red ribbons.

Sid:  Now I have some homework for you, the homework is I want you to hear these full stories, 10 Different stories of nine different people that have had these amazing experiences but you know what more and more are having these experiences so I want you to listen to this capture a vision of where your real home is. Then I want you to give this CD, it’s actually two CD’s, to people that need to know the reality of Heaven.

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