
Sid: Now I don’t know and adjective to describe my guest red hot it’s too, it’s too tame.  My guest is Steve Hill.  I met Steve for the first time at the great Brownsville Pensacola, Florida revival and we we’ve been friends ever since.  But for those that aren’t that familiar with him I’m going to take you back to the beginning. Steve just briefly how did you become a drug addict?

Steve: I became a drug addict, first of all it’s great to be with you Sid your one of my dearest, dearest friend and I admire the fact that you believe in the supernatural.  Any Christian that doesn’t believe in the supernatural I question whether or not they even believe in Jesus.  But to answer your question I became a drug addict due to a desire to experience something more than just a normal everyday life.  I was raised in a military family, middle to upper class, and I was caught up in the whole hippy scene many many years ago and it sucked me into a world that I thought that I would never make it out of.  I was a mainliner, which is a needle using dope addict, arrest 13 times and it’s a miracle that I am alive today Sid so that’s a little bit of what.

Sid: I saw the before picture and I mean what a transformation.  You were headed towards an early death on an express train.  And you know what I like about you Steve that same zeal that you had for drugs, you have that for God now.

Steve: I’m glad – Sid I’m so glad that you see that because I see the same parallel okay.  I was bananas for the devil, I did anything he wanted me to do; when I became a Christians I immediately became a fanatic, immediately.  It wasn’t days or weeks or months I sold out to Jesus and I’ve been sold to Jesus and I’ve been sold out for decades.  And I’m going to encourage anyone that’s listening today, I mean really listening your tuned in to sell out to Him totally.  Because if you walk the fence, straddle the fence and live a lukewarm life you will never, ever experience what the Lord has for you.

Sid: Steve let me – I’m reminded of the scripture in revelation, I’d rather you’d be hot or cold, but this goes against most peoples theology but these are the words of Jesus “I’d rather you’d be hot or cold, but if you’re lukewarm” and in the Greek it says “I’ll vomit you out of my mouth.”  It goes against a lot of theology of today.

Steve: Listen Sid, yesterday I was out with my wife and we were doing some shopping. I would witness everywhere I go and I was talking to a man about Jesus.  I would say “Do you know Jesus as your personal Savior?”  I don’t ask them if they go to church and stuff like that because that just prolongs their lies.  And so he just said, he goes “Yes I do.”  And I said “Don’t lie to me.”  And he looked at me and he goes “Sir, I’m not lying to you.”  He said “Let me tell you something, if I lied to you I will probably end my life in a burning hell.”  And I said “Good for you, Revelation 21:8.”

Sid: Steve, I’ve got to take you back did you have a long drawn out withdrawal from your heroin habit?

Steve: No, Sir.

Sid: Tell me what happened.

Steve: I received Christ through a Lutheran minister, he came to my house and led me to the Lord.  Two weeks later I went to jail, yes I went two times, when you’re a drug addict and you’re not doing drugs anymore you go through you know violent times mentally and all.  But at this particular time I wasn’t using vials and vials of morphine every day and running up you know all kinds of coke and all.  And so two weeks later I went to jail for some old warrants, I sat in jail for 3 months and while in jail the Lord really dealt with me and a man came up and spoke to me about a program called “Teen Challenge.” And the judge said this to me Sid to me in the courtroom he said “This is against my better judgment but I am probating you to a program called ‘Teen Challenge.’” And he said “If you mess up one time I’m going to put you into prison for 25 years; do you understand?”  And I said “Yes, and I said “Your Honor and he said “Shut up, I don’t want to hear a thing from you and get out of my courtroom.”  Because I had been arrested so many times, so I went to Teen Challenge and then I just got deeper and deeper into the things of God brother, I got around David Wilkerson, and Leonard Ravenhill and they changed my life man.

Sid: Okay, you’ve had many encounters with the Lord, but I have to believe that when you went to Argentina, that’s when you moved into a new realm with the Lord.  Tell me about that.

Steve: Yeah, there’s no doubt about that when my wife and I moved to Argentina and that’s a story in itself but we moved to Argentina and we lived there for 7 years during the great Argentine revival and this was back in ’84 when I first went to Argentina.  And I had never seen anything like it and for those that have never heard the Argentine revival I’m sad, it really breaks my heart because I watched with my own eyes millions of people get saved.  Not through my ministry through everyone’s ministry.

Sid: I mean it was the most phenomenal thing you could go to any church in town and you would see the altars filled I mean of any type of church, I’ve never seen anything like that before.

Steve: No, it swept across denominational lines, I was getting calls from Baptist, Episcopalian, I mean they were saying “Come and preach.”  And I’m going “Dear, God I don’t have the time.”

Sid: People were listening about it on the radio and would jump into cabs and go to churches because they wanted to be saved.

Steve: Oh, brother it’s so funny you’re saying that. Part of that revival there was so many people getting hit by the power of God you know having Saul of Taurus experiences that the cabs would line up outside the churches.  They would line up just for blocks and blocks picking up the slain in the Lord because they couldn’t make their way back home.

Sid: (Laughing)

Steve: I know you do Sid but others “We don’t believe in that,” that’s another sad story, because there’s nothing like being touched by God everyone needs to have an encounter with the Lord.

Sid: Steve I have to ask you “Is it too late for America or do you see a potential for that type of revival in America?”

Steve: I am very optimistic for this nation and they only reason I am I’ve sort of given-up on my generation. I’m 59 you know and I’ll be preaching that the Lord allows me to for another 20 – 30 years and I’ll be preaching hard and heavy.  But what I’m doing now Sid I’m counseling and mentoring young men and women.  There coming to my house and my wife and I are raising them up, we also have a church here in Dallas, but I love the personal contact.  And so yes, they’re going after God, they want to see the Son, be changed and if Jesus can do it with a dozen, so can we.

Sid: But look, if Argentina can get it we can get it in the US, our country was founded on God.

Steve: Yes Sir, yes Sir.

Sid: Okay what happened, tell me one experience when you got really zapped by God in Argentina.

Steve: Well, one of them was when I went to see a man by the name Carlos Anacondia and Carlos is an owner of a nuts and bolts factory.  And he started holding crusades and they grew, they grew, they grew, they grew; not Carlos the crusades you know.  The crusades grew in front of them, I would go to the crusades and there would be 15,000-20,000-30,000-40,000 it was just amazing. It went on forever, like for a year after year.  And the services Sid were 5 to 7 hours, so let me answer your question.  One night I went up to Carlos…

Sid: So so wait a second, now you just described to me God’s sensitive, we understand in America; we understand in America seeker sensitive but you just old me what is God’s sensitive but go ahead.

Steve: Oh brother, you’re exactly right.  Anyway I went up to Carlos and I was in a suit and I had a tie on and I looked man I looked straight out of GQ and I looked at him in the face and I said “Carlos” and I hit myself on the forehead.  Which means pray for me.  And he reached out and laid his hands on me and I was hit by the power of God.  Now I had experiences brother but I’ve had only several like this, I was hit by the power of God and I fell backwards into a puddle of mud, I mean my suit was ruined.

Sid: That was not a courtesy fall okay, go ahead (laughing).

Steve: My suit was ruined but my spirit was saved man and after that it was all she wrote man, we just kept going more after God, fasting, praying, and then we started seeing the power coming down and I don’t know the rest is history.

Sid: The reason I’m interviewing you and God does this to me every once and awhile I wish it would happen always is you have got an absolute word from God for this generation and it’s life or death.  And I’m interviewing you because you have a brand new book; we’ve got it available it’s not in the bookstores yet, it’s called “Spiritual Avalanche” subtitled “The Threat of False Teaching that could Destroy Millions.”  And literally it could kill millions but it doesn’t have to be you. And this book develops the vision that God gave Steve; it was in color, it was an open vision and we’ll get into that a little later on in the week.  But it’s really scary because when I read that vision just a paragraph about it I put it immediately on my Facebook because everyone has to understand this, and understand how diabolical the devil is.  But there’s an avalanche coming and millions are going to die and we’ll be talking about it this week.  And then I’m equally excited because if you don’t demonstrate the power of God then you don’t have anything to show this world. And we have 5 of Steve’s CD’s called “Operating in the Miraculous.” Steve is a miracle and we’ll be get into that in a little while.  He shouldn’t be talking to me right now because he should be in heaven but there’s more work for him to do and that’s why he’s talking to me.

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