Sid: My guest Don Gossett from Blaine, Washington I’m speaking to him by way of telephone. He is just a prolific writer because one he knew some of the greatest healing evangelist in the history of planet earth. Most of them were in their hay day if you will in the 1950’s. He traveled with them; he got to know them. And he also for how many years have you been in ministry?
Don: I’ve been in ministry for over 50 years.
Sid: Well, for 50 years he has grabbed hold of what God’s word has to say about healing. We were talking on yesterday’s broadcast about William Freeman and how he had a visitation of an angel. But you know something, I believe that if someone just takes the reaching in your book “The Power of Your Words” they’re going to start just an average person without a visitation of an angel are going to start walking in the miraculous.
Don: I believe that with all my heart.
Sid: And your teaching has much more than just miracles it’s anything that we need from the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Now why did you pick E.W. Kenyon’s teaching to go along with yours? I’ve never seen a book like this before where it’s a chapter by you with “The Power of Words” and then E.W. Kenyon. Why did you pick E.W. Kenyon?
Don: In my opinion it was one of the most profound Bible teachers and his insight to the word was just so transforming. Many years ago back in the 1950’s as I had begun to read his 16 different books that he had left for posterity; I went to the offices of his ministry and that ministry continues on today very strongly here not far from my office here. And it’s amazing how a man who went to be with the Lord in March of 1948 past 80 years of age that his ministry has lived very strongly and 1000’s of the people order his books every month, not every year but every month. It’s an incredible testimony to the power of the printed page when the Lord has put His hand upon something so powerful. I asked his daughter Ruth who carried on his ministry after Dr. Kenyon’s home going I said “I’ve read many of the writings by evangelical authors, Pentecost authors, charismatic writers, but I’ve never read anyone that had such an insight to God’s word as Dr. Kenyon. And she said “I can tell you why the answer to that. If you lived in my home, his home as I did she said the open Bible was all over the home. She said “He was continually in the word; she said one of the sweetest memories I have is when my dad would be up in the morning and maybe he’d be shaving he was fully dressed except he hadn’t put his shirt on but he was standing at the door would be slightly cracked from him just standing there shaving and he had the open Bible before him and she said “He would get so caught up with insight to God ‘s word that he would break into beautiful rejoicing and tears flowing into the shaving lather. Well, she shared with me many different accounts like that and he was a man of the word, and lived in the word. And when I got a hold of the insight that God had given him on the what we call the confession of faith, the speaking forth principal the letting God’s word prevail in not only prevailing in your heart but speaking it with your mouth. To me it revolutionized my life dramatically, I mean I learned that this was the word of faith as Romans 10:8 says “The words nigh you in your mouth and in your heart that’s the word that we preach.” That is the Spirit of Faith according to 2nd Corinthians 4:13 “We then also having the same Spirit of Faith as it is written; I believe therefore I’ve spoken; we believe therefore that we speak.” So the clear Bible teaching over and over I just quoted a couple of different references but many places where it reveals that faith operates first of all in the believing heart and then with the confessing mouth. And that’s the reason that the truth of “The Power of Yours Words” has been so relevant and has transferred the lives of multitudes. I want to say it with a whole heart that putting in the hands of any of your listeners Sid the book “The Power of Your Words” could have revelatory affects. It could be to the glory of God it can make people who are spiritual pigmy giants for God. And I just say that with a sincere heart and based upon the fact that this book has just been so used by God and I’m grateful.
Sid: Well, as far as I’m concerned there’s a lot of things that people can read these days but someone should grab hold of this book and read it over and over because it’s mostly scripture. There’s such a presence of God on your writing and E.W. Kenyan’s writing. Just so people get to know you just a little bit I understand that you went to India one time and a man had a boy in his arms and he came running towards you screaming “My child is dead.” Tell me about that.
Don: Yes this happened in northern India; we went there for this crusade. The organizers said to us don’t expect more than about 500 people. They said “Unlike your ministry where you preach to 10’s and 1000’s it’s very different and difficult here.” Well the very first night about a 1000 people were there. In fact it caused pastors and leaders to rejoice and I was preaching that night on the blood of Jesus and there came a disturbance in the audience. Most of the people were seated on the ground and a man and a woman anxiously stood up holding a little child in their arms. They began to shake the child vigorously and then another woman poured water on the little boy. Suddenly the parents came rushing toward the platform. This little child lying limply in their arms; they were very agitated and frightened. It was a Dr. Daniels stepped in and he met the anguished family; it was very emotionally the father dropped to his knees and began to wail in Hindi though I didn’t understand what he was saying. He was saying those words “My child is dead, my child is dead!” Well, the parents I learned had brought their little sick son to ask for healing; he was running a dangerously high fever. Then after some Dr. Daniel’s said that he had been dead for more than 10 minutes for sure. There was suddenly no pulse, no breath. The child didn’t respond to any stimulus he was dead. But from the platform I watched this traumatic scene in amazement and I was waiting for the interpreter to explain to me what was going on. And then we learned the child has died. Then they came to ask what they should do so I asked all the audience to stand with me and stretch forth their hands for this little boy. I then prayed a strong prayer of faith and within about 30 seconds later there was a shout of praise from the workers surrounding the boy. A great buzz of excitement swept through the crowd but I was still waiting for the interpretation and then I was told what had happened. The little boy was dead for about 10 minutes; Dr. Daniels confirmed that he was dead. Jesus Christ has touched him; he’s very much alive now. And think God the word spread throughout that Hindu community like wildfire that a boy has been raised from the dead by the power of Jesus Christ. Well, the next night more than 10,000 Hindu’s were present at the crusade and it was quite easy to give the Savior’s invitation. And I said to them “I know that you’re here tonight because you heard about this little boy here being raised from the dead, but it’s not the fact that he was raised from the dead that will save your soul. Your faith must be in the fact that Jesus Christ was crucified, buried and raised from the dead on the 3rd day. And you must confess with your mouth Jesus Christ as your Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead and you’ll be saved.” And so that night most of those 10,000 people acknowledged their need of Jesus Christ. I led them in a simple prayer where I said “I renounce all other gods and goddesses, I forsake all my idols and I receive Jesus Christ by faith as my personal Savior. And I confess Jesus as the only Lord of my life.” Thank God that’s what happened and the results were quite remarkable for the glory of God.
Sid: Now there was one meeting that I understand you had that 17 deaf people either completely deaf or deaf in one ear came forward to be healed. How many of them were healed?
Don: Well, all 17 of them. I was in a service recently in Texas where a pastor was in that service and the dedication of a beautiful new church. He wanted to lift up the fact of the authority of the Name of Jesus as he saw exemplified in that service in Champa, India right near the Burma border where I… it happens of course 100’s of times where people who were totally deaf in one or both ears received perfect hearing. This has not been just an isolated occasion but happened everywhere all over the world as a sign of Jesus’ presence being manifested. For the Bible says He’s does all things well; where He makes the deaf to hear the dumb to speak. And we’ve seen that happen so often; not only the dead raised but we’ve seen the blind receive sight and the deaf hearing.
Sid: Now Don is there a special gift you operate under or could any born again believer move in this type of healing?
Don: Any born again believer who has confidence in the Name of Jesus. I usually say that the reason I was convinced my heroes of faith Katherine Kuhlman, William Branham; TL Osborn these are the people that I associated with and was connected for those years. The reason they were so effective for God is they operate in 3 principals, authority, boldness and compassion. And any believer, any sincere Christian can operate in this same authority, boldness, and compassion. And I thank God for that, it’ll happen for anyone that will dare to take their rights.
Tags: its supernatural, Sid Roth