
SID: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally supernatural. My guest was supernaturally taught how to play the piano and when he plays the piano the atmosphere of Heaven comes on the scene and people are healed, they’re given supernatural peace, and sometimes very unique signs occur, amazing signs. For instance he was doing a segment for us at the School of the Supernatural yesterday and gold dust appeared all over his clothing. Would you like to hear some of this supernatural music? Sid Roth here with Joshua Mills. And Joshua, you are, and this is quite a heritage, you’re a fifth generation Pentecostal.


SID: But you said, you didn’t see many miracles.

JOSHUA: Well you know, I grew up in a Pentecostal church and it was a really nice church, and I’m thankful for a loving family and all that kind of stuff. But the truth is we were Pentecostal by name, but much more conservative by practice. We believed in a lot of spirit-filled things. We believed healing, we believed in prophecy, we believed in those things. But it was very rare for us to actually go after them by faith and actually see them manifest in the Sunday service.

SID: But things changed.

JOSHUA: They did.

SID: When you were 16, what happened?

JOSHUA: When I was 16 years old, my parents took me to special church anniversary services, and when I walked in the church things were happening that I had never, ever had seen anywhere in my life. People were manifesting. I now understand people were manifesting in the Holy Spirit, but I actually didn’t really like what I was seeing. I thought it was weird, it was unusual. And I actually sat down.

SID: I don’t know if anyone can see this, but you’re beginning to get gold dust all over.

JOSHUA: I can see. It’s come on my arm now.

SID: All over.

JOSHUA: These are some of things that happen when the Holy Spirit shows up.

SID: Now you behave yourself.

JOSHUA: Yeah. This is going to be good. This is going to be good.

SID: I could, okay, we’re back to, you’re age 16, you’re seeing all these things and you don’t understand.

JOSHUA: The Holy Spirit is showing up. I don’t understand it. I sit down in the church. The next thing I know, the Holy Spirit comes upon me in a very personal way, literally catapults me out of my church. I end up on the floor, rolling and laughing hysterically like the loudest laughter you could ever think of. And I’m rolling on the floor.

SID: Was that the kind of person you were?

JOSHUA: I was conservative. I mean, I was a good Christian boy. I was, you know, I sat down and did what I was told. I was just a nice, quiet, young boy. And the next thing I know I am loud and hysterical, and I’m laughing for one hour, two hours, for hours I’m laughing until the end of the church service, and I’m still going to the floor.

SID: Going to the floor?

JOSHUA: I can’t get up. I can’t bring myself to get up, to stand up. And my parents were there and so my parents ended up taking me, putting me into the back of their car, and I laughed the whole way home. And it’s amazing, when we got home, my parents put me in the basement because my bedroom was upstairs and they wanted to sleep. And so they put me downstairs, and I ended up literally laughing my way to sleep. The Bible says, “The joy of the Lord is your strength.” And that’s what God was doing. He was literally strengthening me and giving me something that I had never had before in my life. The Holy Spirit was becoming so real to me. It’s like the lights came on and everything was different. The next morning, I had more of a love for God. I had a desire to spend time with God. It was no longer just a Bible story now. This was living, breathing, I mean God is real, Jesus is real, he’s alive, he’s the same yesterday, today and forever. And I got so excited about this reality that I just wanted to be with him.

SID: So what he’s saying is he went from a professional Pentecostal to normal.

JOSHUA: I was.

SID: Normal as defined the Bible.

JOSHUA: Thank God.

SID: So then you have to understand, when he was a young kid, he had piano lessons, a few.

JOSHUA: A few, yeah.

SID: What did the teacher say about your piano?

JOSHUA: The teacher told my mother to stop wasting her money. She said, “Don’t bring Joshua back. He will never, ever learn how to play piano.” That’s what she told my mother.

SID: But after this encounter with God, he had an insatiable desire to worship God. So he goes to the piano and what happens?

JOSHUA: I end up sitting at the piano and the Holy Spirit begins to teach me. The Holy Spirit begins to train me. The Holy Spirit begins instructing me. The Bible says, “The Holy Spirit will teach you in all things.” And that means all things.

SID: How many songs have you written?

JOSHUA: Oh gosh. The last they officially counted, it was over 600 songs and that was, Sid, about ten years ago that that number had come up. So it’s been thousands because every time I’m in the presence of God he’s giving me new songs, and I’m writing new songs constantly. Anybody who’s ever been in my meetings knows that generally in that meeting, we’re going to have two or three brand new spontaneous songs that come down from Heaven into the atmosphere.

SID: Speaking of atmosphere, when we come back, I’m going to have Joshua teach you how you can be in the atmosphere of Heaven 24/7 in your marriage, in your job, in your worship, in your finances. It is the most phenomenal thing because in His presence is fullness of joy, fullness. Be right back.

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