JAMIE: Hi, I’m Jamie Galloway and welcome to Something More! I’m your host today. [music ends] Today I’m interviewing Shawn Morris and he’s the director of Shawn Morris International. I’m excited because I believe this is going to be an impartation for you! And I’ve been getting some – you know just hearing from Shawn and the incredible things that are going on in Shawn’s life! Shawn, welcome to the show!

SHAWN: Thank you for having me, Jamie! How are you doing?

JAMIE: It’s good to have you here!

SHAWN: Yeah. It’s good to have you.

JAMIE: You know you walk in a prophetic mantle.

SHAWN: Yes, sir.

JAMIE: That’s really an expression, on, your life; it’s a gifting.

SHAWN: Correct.

JAMIE: And it pairs up with a lot of the miracles and the glory that you experience.


JAMIE: What to you does the prophetic look like? What is the prophetic?

SHAWN: Well the prophetic, Jamie, is the voice of God to a man. You know the Lord wants us to understand that there’s a connection between heaven and earth and through the prophetic is a conversation or a mutual understanding between God and His creations. So you know a lot of people want to move in the prophetic and this is the way they must understand that it is a communication thing with the Father.

JAMIE: That’s amazing!

SHAWN: Yes, sir!

JAMIE: Now when you talk about the prophetic what’s one of the primary ways that you receive that prophetic message? Are you a seer? Are you a hearer? Do you know? What’s one primary way that you tend to receive quite often?

SHAWN: Well a lot of times when people say they hear 90% of the time they actually see!


SHAWN: So they’re really saying what they’ve seen and it is come out in a visualization through verbiage. So when I see things I verbalize it. Like I may see a name and I verbalize it and I might say I hear this but I’m actually seeing. Because if you look in scriptures the original prophets were called see-ers. They saw visions.


SHAWN: And so they articulated what they saw. So sometimes it came out in a format of hearing but they actually saw it. So I’m really a see-er type prophetic person so I see a lot of visions and I articulate it through verbiage.

JAMIE: That’s amazing! Now when you’re communicating the prophetic word that you’re receiving for someone, you’re seeing it, is there an interpretation that follows or is it very literal the way it comes out?

SHAWN: Well sometimes the Lord will give me impressions on what He’s saying and sometimes I verbalize it through demonstration. Or I may say,  “I see something on your shoulder and it’s coming in the form of a dove or it’s coming in the form of a….” I see a maybe a stick through that person and he’ll tell me that disease or that sickness or I’ll see that word cancer and I’ll spell it out and you know and God will give me different ways you know of talking to them in that type of format.

JAMIE: Wow! So it’s very relational.

SHAWN: Very relational.

JAMIE: It’s a moment between you and the Father and you’re sharing it with this person.

SHAWN: Correct. Correct.

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